Cloud-based infrastructure for the Security Industry

Introducing Service Desk - the company site and asset management tool for Installers.
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Installers and ARCs, big and small, multi-national and local, are frequently finding themselves in a similar scenario. As companies scale, so too do the operational infrastructures that facilitate your business running smoothly. Storage capacity increases, databases get larger and different areas of the business require different data-sets to operate effectively.

Pulling together this type of data, for example, providing physical security asset information for customer X, can be a real logistical challenge. Even after collecting the data from multiple sources, extra administrative tasks are required to formulate the data into a spreadsheet.

Our immediate question is: What if.. What if you need to update this information? What if some data fields are outdated or inaccurate? If the end product is a rigid spreadsheet, this leaves little room for flexibility.

That's why we're introducing Service Desk, a cloud-based tool from the CONXTD platform specifically for Installers to centralise and manage asset information.

Add data that adds value

Service Desk was created with Installer's in mind. We've baked in a set of data attributes that are used most commonly across the industry, including Contract Numbers, Intruder or Fire Panel Type and Signalling Product Descriptions. We've also left a few blank, meaning you can add new data attributes that are useful to you and your business. We've seen these used for man-guarding details, link accounts and CCTV product descriptions.

You can search and filter on any combination of data attribute in the platform, and create valuable asset reports for your business to use online, or to export and use offline.

Help with the PSTN Switch-Off

During this critical stage of the PSTN Switch-off, having the most up-to-date signalling information across your estate will save you and your Team SO MUCH time. Service Desk provides a specific Signalling Provider search field, where you can filter on both compatible and incompatible (legacy PSTN and digi hardware).

This has proven invaluable during our Beta for Installers with larger multi-site clients, where collecting and presenting this data could take hours, rather than seconds.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Utilise the Company Data Field 💡
Make sure you include the Company Name in the Company Field, or create a custom attribute for Customer Name or Customer ID. This will make it so much easier to filter on individual customers and identify upgrade opportunities.

Provide Proactive Support

By utilising CONXTD's Cloud infrastructure, Installer companies can be ahead of the curve in supporting their paid Enterprise customers. As these customer estates are automatically added to the Service Desk asset list, proactive Account Managers and Service Teams can jump straight into Enterprises directly to investigate issues and view the account from the End User's perspective. This makes signalling upgrades, fault management and any amendments made to their account a real breeze.

Launch Paid Enterprise Accounts

In adding your company and customer asset information into 1 securely centralised location, you can connect the proactive Account Managers with the tools that will help them convert more customers into paying Enterprise users. In using any of the filters in Service Desk, users can request an Enterprise to be created using that data, which will be completed and added to your account within the working day.

Your valuable asset information will never leave your Service Desk account, but our Team will create a Enterprise instance for your customer, including all Intruder and Fire reporting tools, and the data attributes that are relevant to their security operations.

Book a personalised 30 minute Demo

Are you looking for a streamlined asset management system with powerful Installer and End User tools for managing risk and compliance? Book yourself a 30 minute online demo with a member of the CONXTD Team today, and see how we can help you get more out of your data.

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